Walking by Sight & Not by Faith

Ps 78:40-41. 2 Cor 5:7. God often sets the stage in our lives to challenge and develop our faith. He may ask us certain questions and is always looking for the answer according to faith. May this new year be one of growing in faith and answering life’s situations by faith!

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Mary’s Song of Praise

Luke 1:39-55. The “Magnificat” records Mary’s response of faith as she magnifies The Lord. In her song there are astounding statements referring to God’s faithfulness, covenants, and promises. Just like Mary, may we also sing of “the great things God had done” for us and magnify Him each day. 

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Under the shadow of the Almighty

Psalm 91. This psalm speaks faith into our lives in a powerful and personal way. But why isn’t every Christian blessed, healed and delivered according to the promises of this psalm? Let’s consider it together. 

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The Pilgrims Longing for the Presence of The Lord

Psalm 84:1-11. In this “Psalm of Zion”, the pilgrim expresses his longing for the house of God and God’s very presence. He declares how blessed the pilgrim is, who finds his strength in God and places his trust in His God alone. What a joy to find our home in the house of God, the […]

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By His Grace

1 Corinthians 15:8-10, Ephesians 2:8-10. Two important truths for us to understand more and more are (1) how unworthy we are to receive anything from God as sinners, and (2) how much His grace has been abundantly poured out upon us. Oh how that should create such thankfulness and praise in our lives! (One mistake […]

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Knowing Your Election of God

What does it mean that the Thessalonian Christians were called “the elect of God”? How do we know if we are the elect? Does God choose us? Or do we also have a free Will to choose? Is faith a work? And how can we reconcile God’s sovereign will and man’s free will? We must […]

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God’s Providence & The Feast of Purim

How often do we out things down to chance or coincidence, when actually God may well be working? Although God’s name is not actually mentioned in the book of Esther, His hand is so clearly seen. God’s seeming silence does not mean his absence, for He is surely at work to providentially bring about his […]

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A God of New Beginnings

Deut 4:9-23. On the banks of the Jordan, on the Plains of Moab, a new generation gathered to hear Moses’ last farewell address before crossing over to the Promised Land. Moses had to prepare them for a new beginning, a fresh start, the next chapter. As we embark on a new year, we can find […]

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Acting on The Word by Faith Obedience

Neh 8:13-20. After searching the scriptures, the fathers and priests acted on the Word by observing the Feast of Tabernacles and the people responded in faith and obedience, by building booths. May our faith and obedience be seen by others in our lives as we are not hearers only, but doers of the Word. 

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Our Place in God’s Story

Neh 7:1-73. Often we can lose sight of our purpose & identity as Christians. This happened to God’s people, Israel, time and time again. Nehemiah needed to show his generation that they were part of God’s continuing story and plan. This was now their time and chapter to move forward by faith. May we also […]

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