Hannah’s Prayer & Samuel’s Birth

1 Sam 1:1-20. During the dark days of The Judges, Hannah prayed for a son. God had shut up her whom, to work in her life, to bring her to a place of prayer, brokenness and faith. The answer to her prayer was to be an answer for the nation. Her son was to be […]

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The Rich Young Ruler

Luke 18:18-30. This man asked “what must I do to inherit eternal life?”. But if we are not saved by works, or keeping the law, why did Jesus answer him the way he did? And what is the purpose of the law? or motive for doing good works then? And then how do we actually […]

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Gathering to Hear God’s Word

Neh 8:1-18. When God’s people assemble with hungry hearts to hear the Word in unity and faith, God sends a blessing. With Ezra, The Book & the people gathered, the stage was set for a ministry of life. The Word is living, quick and powerful and searches our hearts to encourage, exhort and comfort and […]

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Ready & Watching for The Lord’s Return

Luke 12:35-59. What does it mean to be ready for the Lord’s return? How can I ensure that I am spiritually awake and not sleeping? Are there varying degrees of rewards and judgment? Oh may we be ready, awake, serving and watching for the Lord’s return! 

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Covetousness vs Contentment

Luke 12:12-34. In this heart searching passage, Jesus warns against covetousness, the insatiable desire and greed that always wants more. He tells the parable about the foolish farmer who has not consider eternity and only stored up treasure on the earth. Jesus clarifies that life is not about storing up treasures on earth, but also […]

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Teach Us To Pray

Luke 11:1-13. “The Lord’s Prayer” serves as a model prayer, not to just be recited as some religious formula, but to provide key principles for our own prayer-lives as we learn how to pray. The tenants and handrails for prayer our found in this powerful example of prayer.  

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Blessed Are You

Luke 6:20-36. Luke’s gospel lays out 4 blessings with promises and 4 woes with consequences. What heart attitudes and actions can secure blessings for a follower and disciple of Christ? How can we be blessed?

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The Call of Grace

Luke 5:1-11. When Peter saw the miracle of the catch of fish at Galilee, he knew he was a sinful man, in the presence of God. He initially tells the Lord to leave him, for he was yet to learn that the call is based on grace, not on merit. The miracle of the fish […]

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The Holy Spirit & Remnant Believer

Luke 2:21-39. What does it mean to be “led by the Spirit” or “walk in the Spirit”? What is it that sets apart a “remnant believer” from any other Christian? What does it mean to be earnestly waiting for His coming? As we consider these 2 special characters at the end of Luke 2, Simeon […]

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