
What Child is This?

Luke 2:8-20. One of the carols puts forth the all-important question “What Child is This?”. So many know the events of the Christmas story, without knowing the actual meaning. Who was born that day? Why did He need to come? And what does it mean for you or me? May God answer these questions afresh […]

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The Feeding of The 5000

Luke 9:1-17. Sandwiched between Herod’s question of “Who is this?” and Jesus’ question “Who Do You Say I am?” Is the astounding miracle of multiplying the loaves and fish. Each one must consider this miracle, among many, and then answer this all-important question! 

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I Must be about My Father’s Business

Luke 2:39-52. As a child, did Jesus need to learn, study, gain knowledge, grow in wisdom? Or because He had a divine nature, did he just know everything already? Luke records for us the only event from Christ’s childhood in the scriptures, which helps us consider these deep questions and what He meant when he […]

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What Child is This?

Luke 1:5-66. Jesus, the son of Mary, yet clearly declared as the Son of God. The scriptures carefully preserve the doctrine of the Virgin birth, all important for Jesus to be both human and divine, to be sinless and qualify as our saviour and to fulfil the prophecy of Isaiah 7:14. “Veiled in flesh the […]

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The Betrayal of Jesus

John 18:1-12. After the special time in the Upper Room with His disciples, Jesus leads them over to Gethsemane. It would be here that Judas would betray him with a kiss. In this moving passage of scripture, we consider the treachery on the part of Judas and the love, resolve, and majesty on the part […]

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