1 Cor 15:1-4. All through the Old Testament, with prophecies, types and shadows, there are incredible predictions and allusions to the cross. The cross is the glorious centre piece of the scriptures and the gospel, where Christ died for our sins, according to the scriptures. 

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Christ before Pilate (Part 2)

John 9:1-16. In these astounding verses, we see the Lord standing on trial before The Roman Governor, whose hand is being forced to deliver Christ to the Cross. What was going through the mind of Pilate as he asks Christ 7 questions during this incredible interrogation? Why were the Jewish leaders so set to see […]

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Words From The Cross

Jesus was crucified at 9am and died at 3pm. During those 6 hours on the cross he spoke seven times. These words from the cross give us amazing insights into the gospel and give us blessed  meditations on our Lord final hours on the cross.

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