(John 7-8-9). What was the “Water Libation Ceremony”? What was the “the illumination of the Temple”? When we understand these rituals in the feast, we see the potency of Jesus claim to be the source of Living Water and the Light of the World.
(John 7-8-9). What was the “Water Libation Ceremony”? What was the “the illumination of the Temple”? When we understand these rituals in the feast, we see the potency of Jesus claim to be the source of Living Water and the Light of the World.
Neh 8:13-20. After searching the scriptures, the fathers and priests acted on the Word by observing the Feast of Tabernacles and the people responded in faith and obedience, by building booths. May our faith and obedience be seen by others in our lives as we are not hearers only, but doers of the Word.