Don’t Stumble Over Jesus, But Believe

Luke 7:18-35. John the Baptist began to wonder if Jesus was the one or if they should look for another. Jesus warned John not to stumble in his faith, but to continue and trust. When we might not understand God’s timing or ways, may we also not stumble, but rest in faith. 

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Repentance & Forgiveness

Luke 3:1-23. After 400 years without any prophetic voice, God finally speaks through John the Baptist. And what is his first word to men? “repent”! Ah, forgiveness awaits, but repentance is the key step. 

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The Angel, Zacharias & Great Grace

Luke 1:5-25. Does it ever seem that God is not listening? or not answering prayer? or you don’t quite understand what He is doing in your life? Then have a listen to this sermon. After the 400 “silent years” the silence is finally broken in the opening chapter of Luke with an explosion of miracles, […]

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The Forerunner & The Coming Messiah

The last prophetical voice of the OT left us with a promise of a forerunner who would prepare the way for the Messiah (Mal 3:1, 4:5-6). 490 silent years left us waiting, until that silence was broken with an angelic visitation and the promise fulfilled. Luke opens with a flurry of angelic visitations and announcements […]

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The Voice in the Wilderness

John 1:19-40. John the Baptist is the first of John’s selected 7 witnesses throughout his gospel, all who testify that Jesus is The Messiah, the son of God. As the forerunner for The Messiah, John is sent to prepare the way.

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