Idols Fall in God’s Presence

1 Sam 5:1-12. The key to overcoming idolatry and the flesh is through the presence of God. If our “temple” is filled with his presence as Spirit-filled believers, then the idols fall and we can grow in experiencing an overcoming life. Do not focus on the idols, but look to ensure that the Ark is […]

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When the Ark of God’s Presence is Removed

1 Sam 4:1-22. It was clearly time for Israel to seek the Lord to be right with Him once more, but the elders of Israel rather decided to put their trust in the Ark, like a religious good luck charm. Because of their misplaced trust and presumption, they suffered great defeat once again. Why might […]

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The Certainty of things we cannot see

Heb 11:7-12. The writer of Hebrews describes faith as being certain of the things which are unseen. In effect, faith enables us to see the invisible. Noah was warned of things not yet seen and Abraham Left Ur, not yet having yet seen the land. These men of faith were moved to action through seeing […]

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