The Rise & Fall of The Anti-Christ

Dan 11:35-45. In this detailed prophecy, we explore the reign of that last gentile King, the man of Sin. We consider his rise to power, desecration of the temple, persecution against the Jews, rebellion against God, and intimate demise at the return of Christ. How important it is, as disciples and students of the Bible, […]

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Daniel’s 70th Week

Dan 9:24-27. Imagine if there was a Bible prophecy that predicted the actual day that Christ would come, 100s of years beforehand? Then predicted he would be killed, that the temple would be destroyed, that there would be a future covenant between Israel and the Anti-Christ, that he would break that covenant with an event […]

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The Ram, the Goat & The Little Horn

Dan 8:1-27. This remarkable chapter of prophecy sweeps across time, from Nebuchadnezzar, through today and all the way to the end. The end of the age laid out in great clarity with the coming of that final gentile world ruler, infamously known as the Anti-Christ. Our hearts are stirred with expectation as we consider the […]

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And He Shall Reign Forever

Dan 7:1-27. Sweeping through the history of the future empires of men, daniel concludes with the glorious future Kingdom of Christ to come. There is an encouragement that comes on the deepest level when we study prophecies like these ones in Dan 7. We find a powerful assurance that the sovereign God is in control, […]

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The Time of the Gentiles

Dan 2:1-49. Nebuchnezzar, the powerful King of Babylon, has a dream which Daniel interprets. The dream is shown to be a prophecy sweeping across the ages through the Gentile Empires from Babylon to Rome and finishing with one final future from of the Roman Empire and the last Gentile world ruler known as The Anti-Christ.

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