The Day of The Lord as a Thief in The Night

Matt 24. The ‘Day of the Lord’ is one of the major themes of Scripture. We look at what Scripture means by the Day of the Lord and what it will bring for believers and unbelievers. As well as looking at what Jesus taught, we also examine the teaching of Paul to the Thessalonian church […]

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Signs to be Fulfilled Before Christ Returns

Matt 24. There are signs that must be fulfilled before the second coming of Jesus. Have any being fulfilled already? Which ones are still to come? Using  the teaching of Jesus in Matthew 24 and other Scriptures, we seek to answer these key questions.

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Prophecies on Jerusalem & the End Days

Luke 21:1-24. When is the end of the age? When is the Anti-Christ coming? When is the Lord’s return? In the “Olivette Discourse” Jesus answers several questions relating to the destruction of Jerusalem (AD 70) and also makes further predictions relating to the Anti-Christ and the end of the age. What is the abomination of […]

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End Times Seminar – Session 2

Nebuchadnezzar’s dream and the 4 visions of Daniel lay down a prophetic timeline, sweeping across world empires to the final rule of the Anti-Christ. Oh how are hearts are stirred to see that God is working out His program and redemptive purposes.

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End Times Seminar – Session 1

Dan 7-9. The visions of Daniel lay down a prophetic foundation for the book of Revelation, spanning the ages, through world empires to the final, last Gentile Empire of the Anti-Christ. Oh how are hearts are stirred to see that God is working out His plan of redemption! 

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Waiting for The Son from Heaven

1 Thes 1:10. How sad it is that teaching on the 2nd coming and End times seems so rare in churches today! The scriptures speak so much about it. In this study, we consider the 5 portions at the end of each chap in 1 Thes that look to His return. To be actively waiting, […]

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A Palm Sunday Prophecy

Dan 9:24-27. The road before Jesus was paved with prophecy and He fulfilled each one so specifically. Even the day he rode into Jerusalem was according to prophecy and a very specific timetable. The prophet Daniel laid out a remarkable prediction that gives us the actual day the Messiah would ride into the city and […]

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The prophet Daniel lays out an all-important timeline of seven years that marks the end of the age. During this period there are 3 specific revealings (Apokalupsis) that will take place. The first will be when a final Gentile ruler unifies a world government and then is revealed to be The Anti-Christ. Secondly, at the […]

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Looking to that Final day

Dan 12:5-13. What are we to make of the days we live in? What is the timeline in God’s program? Will there be a tribulation, a resurrection, a kingdom? How are we to understand prophecies that are yet to be fulfilled in the future?

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The Time of Jacob’s Trouble

Dan 12:1-4. In light of end times prophecy, how are we to think of the world with the current pestilences, wars, earthquakes, and events on the political world stage? Where exactly is everything heading? In this last great prophetic vision of Daniel, we consider the end times, specifically the “time of Jacob’s trouble”, also known […]

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