When the Ark of God’s Presence is Removed

1 Sam 4:1-22. It was clearly time for Israel to seek the Lord to be right with Him once more, but the elders of Israel rather decided to put their trust in the Ark, like a religious good luck charm. Because of their misplaced trust and presumption, they suffered great defeat once again. Why might […]

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Entering into His Presence

According to Ps 95:2 we have been access to, and are told to enter into, the very presence of God. Moses meets God at the burning bush and is told to take of his shoes, for God’s presence made it Holy ground.  Although God is omni-present, there are times He makes His presence known to […]

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The Holy Spirit’s Work of Illumination

1 Cor 2:9-14. Among the invaluable ministries of The Holy Spirit is his work of illuminating the scriptures. Through illumination He reveals Christ, shares the secret of grace, shows us the hope of His calling and revives our hearts again & again. 

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The Word & The Spirit

Col 3:16 & Eph 5:18. As Christians, we are told that we need to “let the word dwell in us” and be “filled with The Spirit”. The are crucial non-negotiables for a rich Christian experience. But what does that mean? How can I hide the Word in my heart? and how can I alway the […]

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The Fear of The Lord & Wisdom from Above

Job 28:1-28. Prov 2:1-6. While man seeks for treasure on the earth, there is a treasure from above, far more precious than all we could desire. The Bible shows us that this treasure is “Wisdom”, a wisdom that comes through fearing God. But how do learn the Fear of the Lord? And how do we […]

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Lives Changed by The Gospel

1 Thes 1:5-9. The Gospel came to the Thessalonians “in word, in power, in the Holy Spirit, and in much assurance”. Their lives were changed and the fruit was there for everyone to see. We also pray for the Word to continue to powerfully change lives in our church and community. 

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Dwelling Together in Unity

Psalm 133:1-3. Listening to sermons or watching services online can be an encouragement, and we thank God for that! But we also realize that it is no substitute for being with the people of God in fellowship. There is a corporate blessing that descends from above that you just can’t get any other way than […]

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Are You Filled with The Spirit?

Eph 5:15-18. “Am I Spirit-Filled? Am I anointed? Gifted? Right with God? Saved? Blessed? Loved? Accepted?” These are the types of questions that can plague a Christian’s thinking. Many look for their answers based on a feeling or an experience and therefore suffer from spiritual insecurity. But God wants us to find assurance in His […]

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The Blessed Man & His Song of Praise

Ps 63:1-5 & Other Scriptures. Why do churches fade and die? Why did some believers grow cold and lose their passion? What must be at the root of true praise? How does a Christian find the flow, the song, the oil, the wonder onoce again? In what ways must a believer guard their heart? 

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The Golden Lampstand (Tabernacle Series)

Ex 25:31-30 (Slideshow Download Available) The Tabernacle gives us incredible insights into the person and work of Christ and our privileges as NT priests. As we enter into the Tabernacle proper we enter into the spiritual life and fellowship with God. The Golden Lampstand speaks of The Holy Spirits ministry to us and through us […]

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