1 Samuel 6:1-21. The cows, yoked up to the Ark and contrary to their nature, went straight ahead, not turning to the left of right. Likewise, when we are “yoked up to His presence”, as spiritual-filled believers, we find an overriding power in play. Rather than living under the dominion of our natural base appetites, […]
Isaiah 55:7-9. The natural man struggles to truly comprehend the GRACE of God. It is so foreign to how we naturally think. Man puts conditions on God’s love, limits on God’s mercy and makes grace something that is deserved or earned. Many Christians live as “hired servants” rather than sons living in the power and […]
Matt 24. The ‘Day of the Lord’ is one of the major themes of Scripture. We look at what Scripture means by the Day of the Lord and what it will bring for believers and unbelievers. As well as looking at what Jesus taught, we also examine the teaching of Paul to the Thessalonian church […]
Matt 24. There are signs that must be fulfilled before the second coming of Jesus. Have any being fulfilled already? Which ones are still to come? Using the teaching of Jesus in Matthew 24 and other Scriptures, we seek to answer these key questions.
1 Sam 5:1-12. The key to overcoming idolatry and the flesh is through the presence of God. If our “temple” is filled with his presence as Spirit-filled believers, then the idols fall and we can grow in experiencing an overcoming life. Do not focus on the idols, but look to ensure that the Ark is […]