1 Sam 1:20-2:10. Hannah allowed her need and troubles to bring her to prayer and to faith in God. Her sadness was turned to rejoicing when God answered her prayer, in His way and in His time. In her song of praise she makes amazing declarations about the person, plan and the sovereignty of God. […]
1 Sam 1:1-20. During the dark days of The Judges, Hannah prayed for a son. God had shut up her whom, to work in her life, to bring her to a place of prayer, brokenness and faith. The answer to her prayer was to be an answer for the nation. Her son was to be […]
Luke 22:31-53. Luke As Jesus considered the cup that He must drink for us all, we see the stress, pressure and conflict he faced in His prayer to the Father. Yet, he showed that final resolve to the Father’s will despite what laid ahead. But what was that cup? Was it more than the physical […]
Luke 18:1-8. In troublesome times, as we watch the world stage in the last days, what should we be sure to do? Jesus gives this simple parable to teach us that “men ought always to pray and not to faint”.
Psalm 90:1-16. “Our days pass so quickly” the psalmist says, “so teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts to wisdom”. That we might redeem the time, embrace our opportunities, live by faith, seek God’s will and ways and for Him to use us for His glory! God bless us all […]