1 Sam 2:12-36. Eli allowed the sinful practices of his sons to continue because of sentimentality. They became proud, arrogant priests who corrupted the priesthood and made Israel transgress against the Lord. Therefore, God is seen to bring down the house of Eli, while also raising up young Samuel who “ministered before the Lord”. God […]
Luke 22:23-30. During the last supper, Jesus prepared his disciples for his departure and for their appointment as leaders in the church. He demonstrates what it means to be a servant-leader in the church, not lording it over people, but being a servant of all.
Tit 1:5-9. Why does it seem that many Christians have have bad experiences with leadership and authority in churches? How can it be that leaders, who are supposed to be serving, feeding, and nurturing the flock, end up being instruments of harm? Why are the sheep wounded by the shepherds? Jesus taught his disciples the […]
Luke 6:1-19. The Pharisees turned a day of rest into the most burdensome day of the week. May God keep us from becoming like Pharisees with how we think about the Christianity, externals and other people!
1 Thes 2:1-20. In reflecting on the ministry they’d had in Thessaloniki, Paul lays out many characteristics of heart and attitude that should be evident in church ministry. Are you in it for the right reasons? Is it an occupation or a vocation? Do you truly love and care for the flock? May God search […]