1 Sam 2:12-36. Eli allowed the sinful practices of his sons to continue because of sentimentality. They became proud, arrogant priests who corrupted the priesthood and made Israel transgress against the Lord. Therefore, God is seen to bring down the house of Eli, while also raising up young Samuel who “ministered before the Lord”. God […]
Luke 22:31-53. Luke As Jesus considered the cup that He must drink for us all, we see the stress, pressure and conflict he faced in His prayer to the Father. Yet, he showed that final resolve to the Father’s will despite what laid ahead. But what was that cup? Was it more than the physical […]
Luke 22:23-30. During the last supper, Jesus prepared his disciples for his departure and for their appointment as leaders in the church. He demonstrates what it means to be a servant-leader in the church, not lording it over people, but being a servant of all.
2 Chron 34:27. How King Josiah responded to The Word and how his son later responded are shocking contrasts and lessons for us as believers. How important it is to humble ourselves before God. A broken spirit and contrite heart He will not despise!
Luke 19:11-27. The disciples thought that when they reached Jerusalem, that the earthly Messianic Kingdom would appear. Jesus told this parable to correct this misconception and teach them that the Kingdom is yet to come, but now postponed. He also answers the question of what Christians should be doing during this time on earth and […]