1 Samuel 3:1-21. How does God speak to us today? Can we also mistaken God’s voice for something else? What can we learn from the call of Samuel? The Lord calls and speaks directly to Samuel for the first time giving him his first prophecy. From then on none of Samuel’s words fell to the […]
1 Sam 2:12-36. Eli allowed the sinful practices of his sons to continue because of sentimentality. They became proud, arrogant priests who corrupted the priesthood and made Israel transgress against the Lord. Therefore, God is seen to bring down the house of Eli, while also raising up young Samuel who “ministered before the Lord”. God […]
Luke 22:54-62. After being broken through personal failure and then graciously restored by grace, Peter is able to strengthen the brethren, stir up the saints and feed the sheep. God never condones failure, but He certainly uses it in our lives to grow and mature.
Luke 22:23-30. During the last supper, Jesus prepared his disciples for his departure and for their appointment as leaders in the church. He demonstrates what it means to be a servant-leader in the church, not lording it over people, but being a servant of all.
1 Cor 2:1-14. The gospel came to the Corinthians in “the demonstration of the Spirit & power”. We discover (in Acts 18) that this power was demonstrated as Paul preached and people came to faith. May we never miss the greatest miracle of all, as people are touched, drawn, searched, saved and changed by the […]