Meeting with God

Exodus 3:1-6, Acts 7:23-29. Sometimes God wants to get our attention. This happened with Moses when he saw the burning bush. God wanted to meet Him, speak to him and call him afresh, Moses turned aside, hear God’s voice, took off his shoes and met with God. How crucial it...

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Yet I Will Rejoice

Hab 3:17-19. Why does God not seem to hear us? Why does He allow Suffering? Why do some good people suffer and some wicked people prosper? These were some of the questions in the heart of Habakkuk the prophet as he struggled to make sense of it all. Then God...

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A House of Prayer

1 Tim 2:1-8, 1 Tim 3:14-16. In Paul’s writings to Timothy, he gives instructions on how people might conduct themselves in God’s household. Oh how these words so wonderfully address our own hearts in terms of our walk with God and how we function in his church with prayer, faith,...

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