The Seed Holds the Tree

FROM PEACEHAVEN TO  ODISHA This week a small team of us (Graham, Emily, Tyrone & Rowland), head out to a remote part of India for a missions trip. We will visit our children’s care home (which was built through PEFC back in 2008), the leper colonies and also venture into...

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Spiritual Equilibrium (by Laurence Hill)

The things we eat, the things we watch, the company we keep, how much we exercise, all affect us in our mental, physical & spiritual wellbeing. Therefore, it’s very important we make every effort to get the right balance. Consider the following verses 1 Corinthians 10:31 So, whether you eat...

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A Word from Johnny Prime (FIEC)

Everything suggests that some COVID-19 restrictions are likely to remain in place for some time, even into next year. What the new “normal” will be for local churches remains unclear. Social distancing and close fellowship seem incompatible. How should we respond? According to James 1, with considered joy. To the...

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He That Waters is Watered Himself

There is a “spiritual secret” shared with us through the scriptures that there is a blessing found through blessing others. Jesus himself told us that “it’s more blessed to give than to recieve” (Acts 20:35). This is hard for the natural man to really understand, but it’s part of the...

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Does God help those who help themselves?

Have you ever heard anyone say “God helps those who help themselves” ? It’s often thrown around as if it’s a Bible verse or contains some spiritual wisdom, however it might surprise some to hear that this saying is not from The Bible. In fact the gospel might be better...

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He leads us gently

Is 40:11 He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young. The World may say that only the wise, strong and able will succeed in this life. It may propose that...

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