Christmas Unwrapped

CHRISTMAS CAROLS NEVER THE SAME I will always remember my first Christmas as a new Christian in 1989. The Christmas carols I had sung throughout my youth now rang out so clearly with the high truths of the gospel. Somehow I had never truly heard them before, but now, with...

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How & Why Christianity?

The short answer to this question, for those who do not have the time or inclination to read this blog, is the great message of the Gospel and Jesus Christ. This blog is a summary of my personal journey to Christianity with consideration of some of the things that guided...

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Spanish Sun

FEAR OF FLYING Katrina and I have just come back from a lovely week in southern Spain. The temperatures ranged from 27 to 31 degrees. This was all the more welcome as we had left Gatwick in the cold, wind and rain. For as long as I can remember, I...

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How Sweet The Sound

A Trophy of Grace.. How astounding it is that Saul of Tarsus became the Apostle Paul! A powerful testimony of grace that would serve generations all through the church age. In fact, Paul clearly said “But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst...

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A Baptism Testimony

There’s something very pure and powerful about attending a baptism. As you watch these new believers stand before their church, family and friends and share what Christ has done in their lives it can be quite moving. For who can deny that God has revealed himself to them? There they...

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The Hardening of The Heart

The Last Sign The apostle John carefully selected and recorded seven signs and tells us that, even though there were many other signs Jesus did, these are recorded that you might believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the son of God and through believing have life in his name (20:31)....

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An Insightful Article on Expositional vs Topical Preaching

It amazes me how seemingly few churches today teach or preach expositionally. It seems much more common, fashionable, cultural, perhaps even palatable, for churches to teach topically. What is the difference? And what are some of the strengths and weaknesses of each? A simple description of an expository preacher would...

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2 Years in Peacehaven

A Moment of Reflection..       After 18 amazing years on the mission-field in Budapest, it was God’s timing for The King family to make a move As you may imagine, so many precious people and treasured memories were added to our lives over those fruitful years and it was a big...

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