Two Natures, Two Trees – by Laurence Hill

The Bible often refers to a Christian as having two natures, sometimes described as the old man and the new man, in the old man we still have the capacity to sin, in the new man the Holy Spirit empowers us to do what is right and pleasing to God....

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The Prewrath Rapture

Below is a recent article written by BRIAN MELIA for Prophecy Today. Link at the bottom of the article. This article explores the prewrath position of the rapture. This view proposes that the rapture of the church takes place after the revealing of the Anti-Christ, between the 6-7th seal. This...

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Our Desperate Need for Fellowship

Recently a precious lady in our church family gave me a “Daily Bread” article regarding church life. She said, “When I read this I had to share it with you. This is what people need and it’s what our church is all about”.  The article was called “The Church –...

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Love One Another

We do well to pay attention when God repeats Himself. “Love One another” the scriptures say, again and again. …and yet the irony is that this is something that we cannot do. Not in the way it is asked of us. Try as we might, we discover again and again...

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