The Hardening of The Heart

The Last Sign The apostle John carefully selected and recorded seven signs and tells us that, even though there were many other signs Jesus did, these are recorded that you might believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the son of God and through believing have life in his name (20:31)....

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An Insightful Article on Expositional vs Topical Preaching

It amazes me how seemingly few churches today teach or preach expositionally. It seems much more common, fashionable, cultural, perhaps even palatable, for churches to teach topically. What is the difference? And what are some of the strengths and weaknesses of each? A simple description of an expository preacher would...

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2 Years in Peacehaven

A Moment of Reflection..       After 18 amazing years on the mission-field in Budapest, it was God’s timing for The King family to make a move As you may imagine, so many precious people and treasured memories were added to our lives over those fruitful years and it was a big...

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He That Waters is Watered Himself

There is a “spiritual secret” shared with us through the scriptures that there is a blessing found through blessing others. Jesus himself told us that “it’s more blessed to give than to recieve” (Acts 20:35). This is hard for the natural man to really understand, but it’s part of the...

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Does God help those who help themselves?

Have you ever heard anyone say “God helps those who help themselves” ? It’s often thrown around as if it’s a Bible verse or contains some spiritual wisdom, however it might surprise some to hear that this saying is not from The Bible. In fact the gospel might be better...

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He leads us gently

Is 40:11 He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young. The World may say that only the wise, strong and able will succeed in this life. It may propose that...

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How Awesome is This Place!

In Ezekiel’s Vision of the Millennial temple we read of a man with a measuring stick, measuring the different aspects of the temple. The words “measure” or “measuring” are used about 40 times in chapters 40-47. However, when we come to chap 43: we find something in the temple that...

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The Best Days of Our Life

As the years have passed, I have found immense value in taking an account of the graces given in my life. It’s a healthy spiritual exercise to “count your blessings, name them one by one”. 1 Sam 12:24 says to “consider what great things God has done for you”. That...

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