John 13:35, Galatians 6:2, James 5:16. The “one another” principle runs all the way through the New Testament. For example, we are told to “love one another” – but what does that love actually look like? How is love expressed one to another? This sermon gives insights and application to this and various “one another” […]
Ephesians 2:8-9 , Galatians 3:22-25. Why did Paul make sure the word ‘grace’ featured in the opening and closing passages of all his epistles? If the law of Moses was perfect why can none of us be justified by the ‘works of the law’? We are saved by grace through faith not by works of […]
Gal 6:11-18. So easily our focus can begin to be what we do, rather than what Christ has done for us. We can begin to boast about our achievements and think we have merited God’s favour. This was the focus of the false teachers in Galatia. They boasted in their works and converts, but Paul, […]
Gal 6:6-10. Some people wonder why they don’t seem to get the victory and struggle with lust or sin. Why Can’t they seem to enjoy their spiritual life? Often it is because they are sowing in the wrong field. Sow to the flesh and reap corruption, sow to the spirit and reap life! Now is […]
Gal 6:1-5. Love is not dormant or inactive, but like the Samaritan of Luke 10, it comes right where a hurting brother may lie, with gentleness and compassion, seeks to restore him. This is an example of How God’s love is made evident in our ministry one to another.