2 Years in Peacehaven


A Moment of Reflection..       After 18 amazing years on the mission-field in Budapest, it was God’s timing for The King family to make a move As you may imagine, so many precious people and treasured memories were added to our lives over those fruitful years and it was a big move for us. Our 3 children were all born there and attended the international school, where marina & I also worked. That amazing school was a huge part of our lives. Oh so many camps, graduations, ski-trips, banquets, family fairs, concerts, bible classes, the changed lives. I also was able to oversee 2 new church plants (a Hun/Int church and a Chinese church) both of which were an unspeakable blessing for me, for us all. Budapest will always have a special place in our hearts, but it was clearly time for us to move on and God had great things in store.

It’s now 2 years since we uprooted from Hungary and started a new life-chapter in England. The Children are also settled in the school, town and culture and also seem to love living in England. Marina & I so often marvel at what God has done for us and are so thankful. We know it could have been a different story and that we have been given an amazing opportunity. The church here also seems very thankful to have us here. They had been without a pastor for some years, and now people are enjoying the Word and life we are experiencing together and sensing the spiritual health and growth in the fellowship. In the pulpit on Sundays, as well as our Bible class on Tuesday nights, we take an expositional approach to the Bible, making our way through different books.  We have completed books like Acts, Ezra, Haggai, and are currently continuing through John and Daniel. We are also soon to complete a 7-part series on the Jewish Tabernacle, which has been such a special study for us all. These times in the Word are so rewarding as many are seeing the Bible open up in their lives. What a joy! We just had a celebration Sunday service with testimonies, a church picture, faith lunch and we all rejoiced in the work of God together. These have been 2 wonderful and fruitful years and we believe the best is yet to come. Thank you for your support and prayers for the Kings and church in Peacehaven.



  1. Reply
    Meagan says:

    Love hearing about how God is using you now Graham! Love you and your family!!!

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